

"the derelict sensation" was a site-responsive art intervention into one of London's grandest and most interesting derelict spaces: the former Midland Grand Hotel at Kings X. It took place in late 2003 on the eve of the great building going into redevelopment to be returned to life once again as a luxury hotel.


The Midland Grand Hotel, St Pancras was opened in 1873 as the grandest hotel of the British Empire. For the next half century it served the travellers of the St Pancras and Kings Cross railways. In 1935 it closed its doors forever and since then mouldered away in a state of semi-dereliction. Since 2004 it has been in the process of restoration, to be once again one of London's grandest hotels.

'The Derelict Sensation' presented a wide range of art forms including installation, sculpture, collage, sound, video and live art.

Luna Nera, together with invited artists from London, Berlin, Canada and Russia, took over this decaying magnificent space to create an urban art intervention into the fabric and history of the space.


The project was supported by the Arts Council of England and Awards for All. Co-produced by Grand Productions.

all photos by Sandrine Albert & Georgia Kuhn unless otherwise indicated.


About The Midland Grand

Exhibition Highlights

About the Artists

The Curator's Notes

Article "Way Station"

below: The Midland Grand Hotel, St Pancras




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